Finding Great Companions

I have a couple of really good friends that are single but want to be in a strong, loving relationship.  Because I love them dearly, I want it for them as well.  It is very hard for me to understand why these, beautiful, intelligent, strong, family-oriented, and loving women are constantly being looked over. 

While some of you would like to believe that it is because they are mean, condescending, or self-absorbed, I tend to disagree.  True- this may be biased but I have watched mean overlook them because they aren't America's Next Top Model (and NO, none of my friends are ugly).  I read this article a while ago about why black women can't find good men (link below) that made some good points. 

The one thing that it didn't mention (at least that I remember) is that some men are intimidated or threatened by the success and drive of some women.  I have heard some men say, "I can't have a woman that makes more than me."  Really?  If companionship is about sharing life, enjoying time, fully supporting someone because you love them, wouldn't you want them to be successful? 

Love, marriage, any relationship is going to come with great joy and pain; but as I always say, anything worth having, won't come easy.  What are you willing to work for or take a risk on?


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