A Job Well Done

Headed back home from dropping my nephew back at school for his spring semester.  So amazing to see him growing into a young man.  When young people, kids, are growing you always wonder how they will mature, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  What's totally inexplicable is the person, young adult, that they actually become.

While I don't spend as much time with my nieces as nephews as I would like to, I did get 1 on 1 time with both my niece and nephew that are currently in college.  These two people are much more than even their parents can see right now.  As adults, we tend to not give younger people enough credit.  The one benefit of not having any kids in the house is that I simply get to see them both as adults with their own lives to lead.  Both are confident, smart, fearless, and open.  To listen to them talk about things that they want, learn, or have lets you know that they have not only put thought to whatever it they're considering, they have also listened what their parents-people they admire- have to say.  I am overly proud of my nephew, Donnovan and my niece, Brittany and I want them both to know it.  I also want them to know that Jamie and I are only a call away.  

To their parents I say, great job, it is a huge accomplishment to have raised two mature, strong-minded, and intelligent people; keep being their support system and remember their are young adults who have been listening despite their initial responses.  

P.S.  If there are misspellings/incorrect grammar/punctuation, please forgive me this time, as I am in the car.


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