Are you a leader or a follower?

So, the question from of my Q&A book is, are you a leader or a follower

My answer, it depends on the situation.  While my position at work automatically deems me a leader, leadership requires much more than a title.  It requires making difficult decisions, caring for others, having difficult conversations, being the one that everyone dislikes, allowing others to lead, offering support (sometimes even when you don't agree) and recovering from failure.  True leaders are able to be comfortable and successful on either side of that line (leading or following), meaning that when circumstance require it, they step up.

In most situations, I am a leader always seeking successful outcomes, but there have been plenty of situations where I was disappointed in my actions or words, questioning why I did something, or apologizing for not maintaining a leadership demeanor.  Do those few instances represent me as a whole?  Personally, I think that we are all human and sometimes our behaviors are less than what we expect or want, but that shouldn't be the determining factor of what you represent.  However, I understand that we all have differing opinions.  What's your perspective?

What are you?

If you need some help with this one, consider asking yourself some of the questions below.  Hopefully, they will help you to answer this question for yourself.
  • Are you willing to speak up regardless of the audience?
  • When challenges arise, do you close up shop and stop trying?
  • Do you often let the ideas /thoughts of others overshadow your own views with little consideration?
  • Do you prefer influencing or guiding people to make better choices or simply telling them what to do? (Controlling versus leading)
  • Do people often come to you seeking your thoughts in situations?


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