Just me...

I started this post last week and was asked by my husband 'why I would want to post something so personal?'  My initial response was most of my posts are personal.  I went on to say that my posts reflect my opinions and thoughts and I want people to know more about where the person that they came from.  See it is hard for people to listen to, respond, or understand things from people they don't know. 

As I thought about it more and more, I wonder 'why wouldn't I share who I am'.  This blog was created so I could post at my leisure about whatever I wanted.  If today's topic is me, than so be it.  Now, it isn't normal for me to want to talk about myself in this manner.  However, in order for me to become more self-aware, I have to be willing to do some self-evaluations So, let's see how it goes.
Basics:  Born in Muskegon, MI on leap day and was baby of the year that year (I think it was because I was a leap-year baby).  Lived in Michigan for the first 19 years of my life.  Have 3 of them most beautiful women as sisters and an awesome mother!  Very early in life, there were three things I loved:  reading, fixing things and helping people.
Early Years:  Graduated in the top ten of my high school class a year early (yes, there were more than 20 people in my graduating class).  Played the saxophone for 8 years.  In the early '90s, sang in a group named, Navece (Yes, a Tammy original, a spin on the term novice, representing the shift from adolescence to adulthood).  Navece put out a single (A&B sides) that was sold in 3 states.  Navece also interviewed and performed on both the radio and TV.  The very first job I had was my first year in college in a botany lab. 
Thoughts:  There was a time when everything in the not-so-basics section embarrassed me, so the only way people would know was if someone else had told them.  Not because I was ashamed of them or regretted doing them, but because it made me feel like everyone expected more from me.  Truth is, I got hung up on everybody else's plan for me and never really focused on my own plan.
Getting more mature:  Moved to TN when I was 19.  Attended Tennessee Tech for a couple of years.  Met my bestest friend for life.  Experienced a 3-year "open" relationship (basically, you do what you want when we are in separate towns, but when we are together, it's me an you - if you learn what that truly means, clue me in).  Hung out with some really great people that made it a point to touch base with me (so I happily returned the same).  Worked at Goody's Family Clothing (where I worked myself to my first management role).  Actually had a situation where I chose friendship over the physical attraction.  Threw some really great parties (and had some thrown for me).
Thoughts:  This was the time that I really got to know myself.  Gained a new perspective on beauty, people, and life in general.  Started to test the waters of new types of relationships.  Learned that my directness was not consistent with the "southern" approach; but that didn't stop me (which may be the reasons for the paranoia I exhibit today but more on that later).  Began to accept that everything does not go as you listed in your high school memory book.  There were rules for my friendships and rules for my friendlier relationships.  I was determined not to put myself in another relationship like the previous "serious" one.  If you couldn't comply, there was no room for you in my world.  My friend list was short but built of quality (the friends at this stage are still with me today).  I made the determination that I would never be married
Current Situation:  Married to the greatest man alive (for 11 years on Saturday)!  Travel as much as we possibly can; determined to see as much as this earth has to offer.  Living in Memphis, TN.  Outside of my husband, my best friend is the only person that truly knows me and how my mind works, AND SHE STILL LOVES ME TOO!  Having those two in my corner is an emotion I can't even begin to explain.  Working as a Sr. Manager for medical device company.  Barely get to talk to the people that mean the most to me, I would list the excuses but what does it do but prove that none of us are making time. 
Thoughts:  Everything that I did or did not do in my past led me to where I am today and I am grateful.  Regardless of how my day goes, coming home to Jamie makes everything better.  My paranoia is still strong but I am managing that day by day.  I've learned that life is short so,
  • don't be afraid of being happy (take chances)
  • the people making sure you are around are the people that you should be making sure you are around.
  • life is really hard, if you choose to make it that way
  • anything worth having requires work, REAL work
Wishes...:  That I could give my husband a child.  That my mom, mother-in-law and father-in-law could live as they chose and never had to work another day in their lives.  That all my nieces and nephews live life to the fullest.  That those people that make it a point to tell me 'Happy Mother's Day' every year, knew how much that truly means to me.  That Jamie and I get to travel every bit of the world.  That my sister's dreams comes true.
Well, I think that's an alright summary of me.  I could probably add further insights but I think this is good enough for now.  :-) 


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