The Power of a Name

A couple of weeks ago, I got into a pretty interesting conversation about last names and marriage.  Now, of course, this conversation was wholly from a woman’s perspective; but let’s be real, the woman is the only one faced with the changing of a name for marriage, right?  Back on topic, the question that started us down this path was, “would you hyphenate your name?”  In today’s world, this is a perfectly innocent and appropriate question given the many perspectives and ways people address.

My thoughts:  This is a wholly personal decision and unique to every situation.  Names can mean so much or nothing at all to so many that it is up to the individual to place worth based on their own personal development/growth/sacrifice.  We can never be the decider of what holds value or importance to each individual.  It is the decision of the woman and her future husband to decide what's best for them.  And this is where I think the problem may lie with something of this nature.  I do feel that both people in the relationship should be supportive of the decision to hyphenate or not hyphenate. 

Why would that be important?  Because from the time you get married moving forward, decisions within the marriage should be made together.  Making a decision on how you will represent yourself, in name, without consideration of the other's feelings is a direct contradiction To what marriage represents.  Again, this simply one perspective and may not be the same for everyone but you will never know if you don't give your partner the option to share their feelings or thoughts.


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