Turning 40....

Was doing some reading recently and I was asked to consider the following; What I thought I was going to be when I grew up.  Considering that I recently turned 40, I figured now was as good of a time as any to broach this topic.  Growing up, there were always three things that I wanted to be, a teacher, a computer programmer, and  a mother.  Funny how life works.

At 40, I am none of those things but I am happy and on a slow path to a healthy lifestyle. Someone told me, "Tammy 40 is the new 20".  My response, "My 40 is 40, I don't want to be 20 again.  I have done that and quite frankly I am extremely happy that I made it this far in life and become a bit more mature" (yes, living to 40 has been doubtful, but that's another story). You get all this commentary about what you should do or what must be happening for your 40th.  No one ever really asked me what I wanted to do for my 40th (outside of the better part of me; he always seems to know what I need from him).  I spent th first part of the day with those that I work with and the second part with my man and it as great for me.  He asked me what I wanted and outside of him, there was not much.  I told him had we had more time, it would have been nice to have a few people over for dinner and games but we can do that any time of the year.  His presence and presents were much more than a girl could ask for.  

For me, life isn't about the big extravagances, it's about the simple moments and time spent with those that you love; creating memories that are priceless.  Not many people can enjoy instances of this nature and that's unfortunate.  I am 40 and the best me that I have ever been;  my focus love and live life as I choose... Try it!


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