Time to Focus Up

I was going to write an awesome post about negativity and its impacts... but I had to change direction.  Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this one.

In earlier posts, I have mentioned one of the reasons that I write; to have an outlet.  Writing is my escape from everything around me.  It helps me to release, regroup and focus.  Release the things I unable to control or change; regroup (arrange thoughts in the correct order); focus (well, this one gets its own section - it's the main theme today).  

While writing helps me get things out constructively, it also serves as a way to hold myself accountable. What does that mean?  Putting your thoughts, irritations, fears, dreams in black and white for the world to see means putting myself out there to be judged/ridiculed whatever people want to do with the information.  I know I have only a few readers (but you are my world) and you have the right to draw from my writings whatever you choose.  But, for me, doing so makes me accountable to the things that I put in black and white; it helps me focus on the person that I am working hard to be every day.

There is always talk of helpings others, being a blessing in someone's life, impacting community, which are all great things that I support.  My belief, you have to do that for yourself before you can ever be that to anyone else.  Action requires desire, commitment, and determination.  So when I give you my truth, it is so I can be true.

Jamie and I have conversations quite often about lip service and he always says don't talk about it just do it.  He is right.  There are several things that I need to stop talking about and start doing.  The very first thing on my list... removing negative responses and/or actions.

Well, I guess we will talk a little about negativity anyway.  See, I don't think that it is possible to totally cease negative thoughts.  I think that is just human nature; there is always a chance that something or someone will not respond as you expected, disagree with a thought you had, or simply be rude.  There are tons of things that trigger non-positive thoughts in each of us.  What I can change is how I react/respond.  Choosing to be positive is an action; choosing to be a better me is an action.  Let's see what happens...


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