Should we really be calling someone else a racist?

Over the past few months, I have spent countless hours listening to others talk about how much they hate another race or how stupid another race is.  I don’t know about anyone else but, for me, listening to these conversations is extremely draining.  I know I may be crossing some imaginary boundaries but I need you to understand why these conversations are tiring for me.

  • It takes a great deal of energy to hate someone as fiercely as the people do in the conversations that I have heard.  Seriously, try going through your day mad and frustrated ALL day.  I guarantee you, you will be tired and drained and just want to fall out.
  • Every person that I have seen in these instances is depending on something from another race (even the one they despise) in some way shape or form.  My point?  I can hate going to the doctor’s office all day long but at the end of the day, if something is wrong with my system, I have to go to the doctor’s office.  Do I go into the doctor’s office cursing, complaining and disrespecting him when I need something from him?
  • There seems to be a huge disconnect on what a racist is.  Based on the definition that I know and understand, racism is “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.”  (See the Google definition for more detail.)  So, to me, that doesn’t mean that only the race with the majority of people can be defined as a racist or that because a certain people has been heavily oppressed their responses/actions cannot be defined as racists.  The definition, to me, clearly states that ANYONE engaged in prejudices against a DIFFERENT race can be classified as a racist.  There are some that will come back and say, well no, this race is inferior so they can’t be racists.  I call bullhockey.  First, who designates inferiority?  Second, the definition says that it is based on the belief that one’s OWN race is superior. 

Now, don’t get it twisted, I am very proud of who I am and what I represent.  I just wonder where we would be if we took all the energy put into hating and blaming someone else and put it into something that benefits either our personal growth or the growth of our own community.

My worth, my confidence, and my desire are all controlled my me.  I work hard every day to better the person that I am for myself and for my family.  My only ask of the few readers I have is to consider what’s important to you and let that be your driving force… everything else is a waste of time and energy.


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