Inferior, what?

Question of the day
Why do we insist on paying money for inferior services?  Great question, let's explore.  First, who defines superior and inferior?  How is the rating determined?  If I compare my service to previous services and its better, what will I assume?

While I agree that we should pay people/companies who serve us well and stop paying those who provide unacceptable services, I do feel that that determination should be left to the individual.  My thinking is that inferior versus superior is based on personal experience.  I don't go in the store and by a brand because EVERYONE ELSE says that it is great.  I typically go in and buy the brand that I have experienced.  Jane Smith up the street may hate it but it has always worked great for me.  Is that me choosing to pay for inferior services or me deciding to go with a brand that I know.

When getting into defining superiority and inferiority, always consider that it is your perspective and that may not be consistent with others.  Each person has their own views, I can guarantee they are not the same.

Quote of the day
"Comparisons make you feel superior or inferior, neither serve a useful purpose"  - Jane Travis


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