What a day...

I totally had a different approach in mind for today but nothing went as planned.  Today was not the best day for me.  I spent half the day frustrated by other people’s actions then the remainder of the day in a disagreement with my hubby (not arguing but clearly on different sides) about something that’s been in progress for some years.  While we came to a resolution, it took some time and cajoling on both sides.

My hubby won’t believe it but he reminded me of something that I said long ago; it is very hard for people to see beyond their current situation.  When I originally said it, I didn’t realize how true that was in EVERY aspect of our lives.

Before I go much further, I need to be clear that my posts are meant to be a reflection of me, my thoughts, desires, personal development and hopefully growth.  If others gain something from it, AWESOME!  Just know that I am in no way trying to tell others what they should or should not be doing.

Now back to where I left off; seeing beyond the current situation.  On two occasions today, I was so caught up in my own frustrations that I lost control of my words and emotions.  I try to avoid these situations for two main reasons 1) because emotions can easily be misdirected and 2) because if your words aren’t chosen wisely, they can be misconstrued.  It may not sound like much but poor decisions that could be very harmful.  Today, I lost time and energy on non-productive things.  I will never get that time back.

On a brighter note, I had conversations with my mom and best friend that reminded me that I am not totally crazy.  They reminded me that Jamie isn’t the only one that knows my heart.  I am going to take a couple of days to regroup and refocus on what truly matters to me.  My day wasn’t the best and I have had far worst but I would never claim it was the end of the world. 

Before this post, I spent time thinking about family and friends that are currently experiencing situations that others can’t imagine.  For T and K, all is not lost.  Along with your own inner strength, you have a support system stronger than anything you expected; don’t be afraid to use it.


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