If my family was...

Growing up we got to see all of these great families on TV and I used to think, “what if that were my family?”  I literally did this with every TV family show that I watched, from the Brady Bunch, to Family Ties, to the Cosby Show.  But, as I try to imagine which family I most identified with, I would have to say the Facts of Life.  They were not the family usually depicted as a normal American family, but they were indeed family.  Five women trying to understand life and survive under one roof with two bathrooms –  definitely my life growing up.  But the assignment is to talk about the family you would want to be a part of if you could and why.  My chosen family is the Ingalls.  That’s right folks, the Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie.  I loved that show growing up and even read the books.  Laura Ingalls Wilder is who I wanted my life patterned after or at least what I deduced her life to be from the show and books.

Let me just say, for clarity, I DO NOT hate how, where, or with whom I grew up.  I love my family without a doubt.  I am thankful for the life lessons and the person that I am today; I don’t know that I would be the same person without them.  Whether people will admit it or not, everyone dreams of a life they have never known or had, it’s human nature. 

Now, back to the Ingalls.  Everybody knows that I grew up in a single-parent home.  Naturally, families that have a father, engaged in the family, is an experience that I coveted growing up.  Not because my mom didn’t do a great job, but because I wanted to know what that type of love and protection felt like. 

The Ingalls were a very close family in that everything they had, they worked as a family to get.  Everyone had their assigned task/responsibility in the functioning and success of their lives.  Each of them respected their positions and basically just got it done.  Now, we had chores and had to look after each other when at school or someone else’s house, but I don’t think we have/had a true appreciation for what my mom sacrificed or even how bad it had truly gotten at times.  There seemed to be a better understanding of the Ingalls’ household, which many times played out in the kids decisions.

For those of you that didn’t watch little house on the prairie, the family lived in the middle of some farmland in what was basically a barn.  Six people, one room, figuring out life, family, and love.  Seems strange that this is something that would appeal to me given that today we live in a house where Jamie and I could basically not see each other for days if we so chose.  Not a mansion by any means but definitely more space than is needed for us to live a full life.  To me, there is a certain bond, respect and understanding that comes from sharing a small space with someone else and still have a great affection for that person.  Again, this is my story.

Another reason, this family appealed to me was because of the experience the kids had that are somewhat taken for granted now and when I was growing up; making/creating everyday things, clothes, notebooks for school.  That’s knowledge that is somewhat lost today.  I get it, you can just go to the store and buy what you need today, right?  What if you couldn’t?  Do you know how appreciative of things people are when they make them themselves?

Yes, that’s the family I would be a part of.  They were loyal to a fault, seemed to genuinely enjoyed each other’s company, always thankful and supportive, and proud of themselves and one another.


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