Entrepreneur... Not so much!

So, I have owed my friend this post for several weeks now. Let’s see if I can do it justice.  Topic:  ‘What type of business or dream company would you start?  You have a private financial backer so money is not an issue.’   Years ago, I would have thought I knew the answer to this question; today, not so much.  Early on in my career, I had to do this team exercise focused on knowing your colleagues.  From this exercise, a personal statement or representation was created.  My statement was basically that I love helping people and fixing things; that’s what motivates me. 

Over the years, I have found myself in a position of mentoring/guiding/training multiple people (mainly women) in various situations; sometimes requested and others just by the nature of the relationship.  These relationships will drive my response to this question.  So, my company would be one focused on the development of women in their personal, spiritual and professional journeys.  I know it seems weird that I could help someone spiritually but hey, it happens.  Why?  Because it is important that everyone feel confident in themselves, their families, their communities and their jobs. 

Most women (not all) start to lose confidence in themselves and their capabilities at an early age; let me say this differently, women start to develop low self-esteem early in life.  Once low self-esteem if fully rooted, they spend the remainder of their lives trying to increase their self-esteem.  I am not going to dwell on why I think this occurs (that’s a separate post).  This low self-esteem drives women to hide in the shadows, not speak up or out, accept less than, question their validity and more.  These things compounded can destroy families and communities, which is unhealthy for society in general.
Why would that be my company?  Well, quite honestly, I see a need and it makes me happy.  The need shows itself in the following ways:

- Many women are always comparing themselves to someone else, trying to get what the next person has or discounting themselves for upward movement (personally and professionally).

- In the black community, women are more commonly in a position of positive influence for future generations.  If we aren’t proud of who and what we are, it will trickle to future generations.

- The very existence of the woman exudes strength, we shouldn’t be the ones questioning our worth.

This is not to say that I am the personification of high self-esteem or a fully confident woman.  It is to say that I recognized all of these things in myself at some point in my life and I work each day to be better.  You see, life coaches still have coaches themselves, that’s what makes them better. 

I don’t know the specifics but I know I would need confidants.  The confidants would serve as someone always in your corner.  There would have to be some type of vetting process because the last thing anyone needs is to think they are getting help only to find out that someone is deliberately trying to hurt them. 

You know now that I think about it, I should probably really figure out a business plan.  That’s the problem with dreams, they kind of rely on your focus to come to fruition.  Sometimes they seem so far out of reach we tend to leave them.


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