The New Negro

This post has been started several times over the past year; mainly from trying to determine the right approach.

About a year ago, some of our family members referred to us as the ‘New Negro’.  The situation: we talked about having gouda mac and cheese and brisket for Thanksgiving.  We also discussed wanting to go hiking.  While we took no offense, we did find it to be a very interesting and telling description of how we are perceived by others (for simply doing something that interested us).  You must understand it before you can react.  In our community, there is a long history of conformance to family expectation, religious thoughts, community influence, and societal acceptance.  The ‘New Negro’ can mean different things to different people based on mentality and need for acceptance.  For us, it was a welcomed comment; we understood the sentiment and appreciated the regard.

Consider this, the ‘New Negro’ is synonymous with the Harlem Renaissance a period when culturally black people were celebrating their differences, traditions and pride; we were becoming confident in what we were.  Yes, we accept that!!! (Add'l info on this topic: click here)

We can do and try things that we have never experienced simply because we want too.  Yes, we accept that!!!

Everything we do may not be considered ‘normal for black folk’.  Yes, we accept that!!!

Life for us means more than simply trying to be like or in the likes of…. Yes, we accept that!!!

You see, just as in our history the ‘New Negro’ was not accounted for by our community and the other communities because no one understood it and they couldn’t predict it.  While we don’t live our life for others, we can promise that you may not know what we may do, try, or say next.  Not because we are trying to be defiant, not because we don’t find similarities with you, and not because we are ashamed of who or what we represent.  You should know and understand that everything we do, represent, try and will become is because of what we learned, know, represent and are willing to try.  That’s the beauty of independence and freedom.  Try stepping out there on your desire, it’s amazing what you may find.

Quote of the day
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”  -Ralph Waldo Emerson


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