Recent Prompts: Betrayal and Warning

Betrayed and warning:  these were the prompts for yesterday and today.  I couldn’t help myself, I had to say something.  I am sure these topics are prominent in many situations; both are topics that I can reconcile easily in my mind.

Betrayal can hit you from all directions and even in those you would have never anticipated.  I have experienced it from family, friends, colleagues, and lovers.  It knows no bounds.  While I don’t wish the disloyalty, I have experienced on anyone, I can say it teaches you a lot about life and human nature.  I learned that women can be so jealous and lack so much confidence that they will deceive you only to feel like they are better.  Regardless of relation or perceived loyalty, people are people and sometimes what they want for themselves outweighs any loyalty or moral high-ground.

Warning: I wish someone would have warned me about the betrayal that I experienced.  You see, I was warned about competition from co-worker from friends; I was never warned about treachery from close family members.  I was warned that several men are untrustworthy, I was never told that my friends, my closest friends would aid in the deceit.  I was warned that colleagues would be deceptive and try to outdo you, I wasn’t prepared for my management team to put their name on my work. 

So here’s my warning B.K.A  Quote of the Day:

“Those who don’t know the value of loyalty can never appreciate the cost of betrayal.” -Unknown


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